Jesus cares about our community and we do too.
That is why we dedicate a significant amount of time and resources
to be a blessing to those who live around us.
local community
Jesus cares about our community and we do too.
That is why we dedicate a significant amount of time and resources
to be a blessing to those who live around us.
4 signature initiatives
Here is a list of 4 Signature Initiatives that we focus on throughout the year.
community involvement & influence
You will find us involved in all sorts of community events, helping in any way that we can. If it's going on in the city, we want to come alongside to help out and be a blessing to this community. We believe it's more important to BE the church than to just attend one.
area school partnerships
There is no more important generation than the next one and we know that our school teachers and leaders have a huge task in front of them. That is why we will be involved in supportive and practical ways. We will provide encouragement to them, provide supplies needed in classrooms, help maintain facilities and support their ongoing programs.
single parent & orphan advocacy
The Bible is very clear about taking care of parents that are doing it alone and for kids who have no parents to care for them. We want to be a resource to single parents in our church and community by providing practical needs and offering support in multiple ways.
shelter rehabilitation
We know there is "no place like home", and we want to keep that reality alive by assisting families that desperately need help in their living situation or by beautifying our local neighborhoods.
block of blessing
Serve sundays
At Riverway, we set aside Sundays throughout the year to do all-church
community service projects, instead of having our normal Sunday services.
This is a great way to make a difference with your life!
Learn more about our upcoming Serve Sunday projects HERE
nominate a need
Do you know a neighbor or friend in our community that has a need we could help with? Little or big is okay with us! Maybe they have encountered hardships beyond their control and need someone to step up and help them. They do NOT need to attend Riverway Church to be assisted. Not all needs can be met, but we will take each request into consideration.