
Riverway Church is supported entirely by the generous giving of our regular attenders and Partners. Thank you for your faithfulness and support! Outside of our weekend services, here are a few additional ways to give...

Your Bank's Bill Pay: Most banks offer this service free of charge. If your bank asks you to input an account number for the check, just put your first and last name so we can make certain it is credited correctly. The address they need is: 

PO BOX 36, Champlin, MN 55316 / Phone: 612-354-1377

Text To Give:  Text the word "give" to (866) 870-1180. This will require a one time set up of your debit card or credit card.

Mail: You can send us a check to the address: PO BOX 36, Champlin, MN 55316

We have recently switched to a new giving platform called Tithely, which makes giving more accessible from ANYWHERE. If you are currently giving or have recurring giving set up, we'd love for you to move to using Tithely by clicking the "GIVE ONLINE HERE" button below.

Give online here