Message Discussion Questions
For the Week of October 6th, 2024
1.) What is one of the dumbest things you have done with a friend?
2.) Do you think peer pressure affects adults? How or Why Not?
3.) Have you ever had to end a friendship because of their influence?
4.) Read: Acts 3:1-10 & Acts 4:1-21
- a. What is one thing that stands out to you in this story?
- b. Why were the rulers and elders “astonished” in verse 13 and what was their conclusion for their courage?
- c. What did the influence of Jesus do to their behavior and outlook on life?
- d. Do you think Peter and John’s courage was fueled by the fact that they were doing it together and not alone on their own? Why or Why not?
- e.What kind of impact did the influence of Jesus on Peter and John do for the people we read about in this story?
5.) Is there anyone in your life right now that lives “foolishly” that has too much influence on you? If so, is there a guardrail you sense God would want you to establish?