groups Discussion Questions

Message Discussion Questions

For the Week of April 14th

“A New View of Money”

1. Growing up, what did you learn about money from watching your parents? Did anyone ever teach you with intentionality about how to handle your money? Looking back, was it good advice?

2. How would you describe your current view or plan for your finances? How is that going for you?

3. Jesus talked more about money than any other subject. Why do you think He spent so much time talking about money?

4. Ryan shared, “financial freedom is 20% knowledge and 80% application.” Do you agree with this statement? What does it look like to you to apply financial knowledge? What makes the application process difficult?

5. Ryan shared, “You cannot wholeheartedly be a follower of Jesus and trust your finances more than you do Him.” In what ways do we have the tendency to trust our finances more than Jesus? How can we fight those temptations?

6. This week’s Next Step is to understand that you are a manager, not an owner, and to do finances God’s way. How do you plan on doing this and how can this group support you?