Message Discussion Questions
For the Week of February 16th, 2025
"Serve Selflessly"
1.) Can you think of a time that someone served you or helped you that made an impact on you? (1 min. max)
2.) Why do you think serving others is so difficult for us?
3.) READ 1 Peter 4:10
a.) Can you think of someone in your life that uses what they have to help others?
b.) Why does it say that we are stewarding God’s grace when we serve others?
4.) READ Matthew 25:35-40
a.) Have you ever equated serving others with serving God?
b.) How does this change your perspective of serving others?
c.) Are you looking for opportunities to serve others or are you living unaware?
5.) READ Hebrews 6:10
a.) Every time you serve in the church or others around you God takes notice. What does that do to your attitude around serving?
6.) How are you doing at serving others and God’s Kingdom? What can this group do to help you grow in this area?